Frank Chapman Year 2

The year 2 children arrived safely at the Frank Chapmsn centre yesterday and got stuck straight into some fun outdoor team building activities. They had to use their listening, leadership and teamwork skills in order to complete different games and tasks. They ended their first night with a night walk with their torches through the forest to visit the magic tree, where they each made a special wish! The children ended the first day very happy but also very muddy and tired!
After a good nights rest in their beds, the children enjoyed breakfast before taking part in a variety of outdoor activities in their groups. They had to crawl through tunnels using head lamps in the dark mine! They got to learn more about maps and was able to practice their orienteering skills around the centre. They also worked in pairs to complete a blindfold course through the forest and the mud! They ended the second night with a more relaxed evening with lots of showers, a movie, playing, colouring and hot chocolate!
All the Year 2's have enjoyed their first two days at the centre and although they are tired and a little bit muddy, they all have big smiles on their faces! They are also excited to take part in bushcraft tomorrow on their last day before returning home!
The internet has not been the best from the centre so we will upload more photos of the children when we can!